How to Start a Shoe Business


Starting a business is a difficult task. Hard effort, dedication, perseverance, and a lot of money are all required – and that’s only the beginning.

Shoes are something that everyone should have in their closet. They are both a requirement and an investment. You can make money by selling your own brand of shoes if you have the necessary knowledge, abilities, and confidence.

Starting a shoe business may be the appropriate choice for you if you have a flair for creative design and an eye for fashion. Your artistic skills can be turned into a money-making venture. You can also find many similar new ideas about different business startups and get services by stunners to write a good business plan to start a business.

Despite the fact that the market is saturated with certain well-known companies, with the correct plan, you can still make a respectable profit and keep your doors open! Here’s a step-by-step guide to starting and running your own online shoe store.

Selling Shoes or Manufacturing Them?

There are two ways to sell shoes: as a store selling them online or as a manufacturer producing them. Whatever path you choose, you must examine several aspects before starting a firm.

For example, if you’re merely selling shoes, you’ll need to find the correct manufacturers and suppliers. This means you should know what you’re getting in terms of quality and price. So, before you get started, do some research on how to establish a shoe reselling business. Conversely, when it comes to manufacturing shoes, you must select whether to operate as a wholesaler or a direct provider.

machines for shoe making

However, if you intend to manufacture the shoes, the following is everything you need to know.

Quick Facts

Industry trendConstant
Time Required to Grow4-8 months
Profit Potential$42k-$263k/Annual
Number of Businesses68,588
Startup Cost$10k-$38k
Market Size$235bn

How to Start a Shoe Business – Step by Step Guide

Step 1. Industry Trend

Forecasts indicate that between 2022 and 2030, the worldwide footwear market will expand at a CAGR of 4.3%, reaching $543.90 billion. In 2021, Asia and the Pacific had 39.3% of the shoe market, making it the most dominant region.

Popular shoe brands such as Adidas, Under Armour, Skechers, and ASICS Corporation have led to a 36% growth in demand across North America.

The footwear industry in the United States is booming, with sales hitting US$ 91 Billion in 2020 and still rising.

This business boom can be attributed to a variety of factors, the most prominent of which is a worldwide increase in sports interest, which has resulted in an increase in the number of people purchasing shoes.

Step 2. Create an Effective Business Plan

The 7 Pillars of a Successful Business Plan

For starting any Business, a well thought-out and professionally drafted Multigenerational Business Plan is essential. Typically, investors want to see a detailed business plan outlining the company’s goals, strategy, and predicted financial performance. A well-written and comprehensive business plan can show an investor that the company is well-managed and has a good probability of success.

To prepare a professional Business Plan, you need an expert Business Plan writer who can design this strategic document that will ultimately support you to outperform your competitors. Startup Stunners has been providing Business Plan writing services for the past several years and you may also consider acquiring our services by contacting our team of experts at

Step 3. Startup Cost: How to Start A Shoe Company

When considering whether to enter a new market, a company’s ability to invest is frequently a deciding factor. When the amount required exceeds expectations, it is more difficult to raise funds and persuade investors to participate. The costs of launching a shoe manufacturing company are summarized here.

Type Of CostMinimumMaximum
Marketing And Advertising$2,000$5,000
Computers And It Equipment$1,500$3,800
Licenses And Permits$300$550
Establishing A Shopfront$0$7,000

Step 4. Prerequisites for a Successful Shoe Manufacturing Business

The raw materials you begin with determine a company’s final reputation. The quality and variety of Raw Materials used by a company impact its success. The following are the necessary components for making a pair of shoes.

  • Hand Tools
  • Decorative
  • Shoe laces
  • Latex, Polish
  • Thermoplastic Rubber
  • Polyvinyl Chloride
  • Threads
  • Natural Leather
  • Cloth
  • Paramedics
  • Plastic
  • Handling tools
  • Rubber Fall

Step 5. Necessary Tools for a Shoe Production Process

It is not enough to simply have access to high-quality raw materials; one must also have access to the necessary machinery. The following tools and machinery are required to start a successful shoemaking business.

  • Packaging Essentials
  • Finish Machine
  • Generator – 50KVA
  • GP 4 Machine
  • Skiving Machinery
  • Sole Activator
  • Sole Attaching Press
  • Cutting Board
  • Scissors
  • Zigzag Machine
  • Miscellaneous Equipment

Step 6. What Is The Potential Profit Margin For A Shoe Store?

The profit potential of your shoe store is governed by elements such as operational expenses, advertising strategy, and cash flow. A shoe store’s normal profit margin is roughly fifty percent, whereas the market price for a pair of shoes is around seventy dollars. This means that for each pair of shoes sold, you might earn $35.

In the first year or two, a sole entrepreneur can make a living selling shoes online with a monthly volume of 125 pairs. If you follow this plan, your annual sales will be $105,000, with a profit of around $52,000.

You could sell a thousand pairs each month in a few years, but constructing a shop and hiring salesmen would reduce your profit margin to around 30%. You’d be looking at a yearly revenue of roughly $840,000 and a good profit of $250,000 as a result.

Step 7. Target Market

It’s safe to say that the shoe industry is one of the largest in the world. Everyone needs shoes, whether it’s men’s suit boots, women’s casual footwear, or high heels, and as a result, the people in your market may represent a diverse population. Don’t waste time trying to please everyone while starting a shoe business.

Only when you have perfected your existing service in your niche should you consider expanding your firm. However, because women buy more frequently, it is advisable to focus on the women’s shoe specialty.

Step 8. Right Location

How do you intend to market those shoes? If you’re wondering how to start a shoe selling business online, create a WordPress or Shopify site. The first step in creating a traditional shoe business is to find a good location and learn about the relevant licences. Your physical location should be a showcase for your whole marketing campaign. A consistent brand identity should be reflected in storefront signage and website design.

Consider the following options.

Stores Selling Gifts

A souvenir shop includes a variety of items from which customers can select gifts for loved ones. Buyers routinely regard shoes as one of their top gift-giving selections. If you make dress shoes and other special occasion footwear, you should approach novelty stores.

Shopping Centers

Malls house both small boutiques and major department stores that carry a wide range of shoe brands, each with its own particular aesthetic. If your product is popular with consumers and your pricing is comparable with other well-known companies but still within the purchasers’ price range, you may notice a big surge in sales from these retail establishments.

Merchandise Outlets for Shoes

Finally, make shoe retailers one of your primary objectives. These retailers welcome footwear that is still in its early stages of development or is new to the market, so there is no need to be concerned about harming your brand’s reputation. Retailers will make their decision solely based on the product’s design.

Step 9. Needed for Shoe Manufacturing

Any business, large or small, requires employees. Manufacturing is labor-intensive because it requires a large workforce to operate any necessary equipment and keep the process running smoothly. The number of employees you require is determined by the size of your company.

Shoes selling

Hiring at least two skilled workers and possibly one unskilled worker is a good idea for a small business. A manager or supervisor may be hired to oversee the production of several designs.

More than three trained employees plus a manager or supervisor are required to run a medium- or large firm. If the company produces more than one shoe style, the need for additional workers grows once more.

Step 10. License Required

Starting a shoe manufacturing business without the proper paperwork is illegal. Any company that makes shoes must first obtain the necessary licence. The documents listed below may be required before you begin your new venture.

  • Trade License
  • Udyog Aadhar MSME Registration
  • ISO 9001
  • IEC Code

Step 11. See if This Is the Right Business for You

Given the time and effort required to start a shoe business, it is critical to thoroughly assess the opportunities and risks involved.


  • Putting your innovative skills to use on a pair of shoes
  • Easy to implement and expand across international markets
  • Minimal mandates for compliance and regulation


  • Costs rise when a wide range of sizes has to be stocked.
  • Large sums of money might be lost on unsold inventory.
  • Approximately 30% of all products sold online end up being returned.


Despite the numerous hurdles, launching your own shoe company may be a very gratifying experience. It’s a fantastic way to be your own boss, establish your own hours, and create something you’re passionate about.

Your shoe business can be successful with proper planning and execution. Remember to conduct thorough research, develop a sound business plan, and invest in high-quality raw materials and machinery. Most essential, remember to have fun!



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